The Change Makers: How to Create Better Lives
Change Makers: Creating better lives helps to understand how exceptional individuals from different backgrounds have set out to make social change. In this exciting new podcast series, Sir Tom Hughes-Hallett interviews founders of charities social businesses and social movements, highlighting the wonderful work been done right here in the UK. After a successful business career - Tom ran Marie Curie - led the government review on charitable giving, founded two charities both of which have been a real success, and backed others some of which have failed. The charity founder he admires most is his wife - founder of Smart Works. Working with four of the country's leading charitable foundations, The National Lottery Community Fund, The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The Fore and The Suffolk Community Foundation; The Change Makers identified fifty founders from eight year old to eighty year olds, from north to south, from health to ornithology. Curious to know -Why did they do it? What skills do you need? Will your obsession cause you happiness or great pain? Can you afford to do this? Will the state be your friend? Are funders saints or exasperating? How do you hand on your charity to somebody else? Do you need a business plan? What academic qualifications for you need? (Clue - none!) Should you fly solo or find a friend as your cofounder who has complimentary skills to your own? These and many other topics form the basis of fascinating, serious, and often humorous stories. You will enjoy whoever you are but if you are thinking of starting to create social change, then by listening you can learn from those who have been there before you - pitfalls are flagged and handy tips shared. We hope you enjoy the ride.
The Change Makers: How to Create Better Lives
Dame Stephanie Shirley
Sir Thomas Hughes Hallet
Season 1
Episode 3
This week Sir Tom talks with Dame Stephanie Shirley who arrived in Birtiain as an unaccompanied child refugee in 1939 from nazi Germany on the kinder transport. She started what became Xansa plc (now part of the Sopra Group) on her dining room table with £6 in 1962. She is now a successful IT entrepreneur, serial charity founder and ardent philanthropist. She established Shirley Foundation and co-founded the Oxford Internet Institute.